Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 28, 2023

As a seasoned banker, I can't help but feel incensed
at No. IA-6240; File No. S7-04-23. Specifically, I am outraged at the
deluge of bureaucratic red tape it seems intent on introducing. The
new rules requiring additional documentation and reporting procedures
are particularly galling, considering many banking institutions are
currently grappling with intensifying regulatory demands. These
proposals represent yet another layer of cumbersome administrative
tasks that drain precious resources away from more productive
pursuits. It appears the SEC has lost sight of the fact that banks
need to strike a delicate balance between meeting regulatory
expectations and remaining profitable enough to continue serving
clients effectively. This new set of standards will likely force us to
divert critical personnel and funds away from other core functions,
ultimately compromising service quality across the board. The irony
here is that while this proposal ostensibly seeks to safeguard
customer investments, it will almost certainly result in higher fees
and lower yields as resources become increasingly strained. If the SEC
truly values stability in our nation's banking system, they ought
to reconsider imposing such unwarranted constraints on our