Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule on safeguarding advisory client assets. While I appreciate the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) intent to protect investors and enhance client asset safeguards, I believe there are certain aspects of the proposed rule that require further consideration and revision. 

My primary concern pertains to the unequal treatment of different types of digital assets under the proposed rules. The rapid advancements in digital technology have revolutionized the financial landscape, with digital assets like cryptocurrency playing an increasingly crucial role. However, the proposed rules appear to treat different types of digital assets inconsistently, leading to confusion and the potential for regulatory arbitrage. 

Under the proposed rule, the SEC includes references to digital assets but fails to provide clear and comprehensive guidelines on their definition and treatment. This lack of clarity may lead to varied interpretations amongst investment advisors, potentially resulting in regulatory loopholes or unwarranted burdens for market participants. To ensure a fair and effective regulatory framework, it is imperative that the SEC develops specific guidelines to address these emerging digital assets adequately. 

Additionally, the proposed rule fails to acknowledge the unique characteristics and challenges posed by digital assets built on blockchain technology. The decentralized and transparent nature of blockchain-based assets warrants a nuanced approach to regulation, striking a balance between investor protection and fostering innovation. By neglecting to address this specific subset of digital assets, the proposed rules risk stifling the growth potential of the digital asset industry. 

To address these concerns and ensure comprehensive protection for investors, I propose that the SEC conducts further research and consultation with industry experts. Collaborating with industry stakeholders would help develop a targeted regulatory framework that accounts for the specific features and risks of different types of digital assets. Through this collaborative effort, the SEC can establish a transparent and adaptable regulatory framework that safeguards investors while encouraging innovation and technological advancement. 

In addition to my concerns regarding the treatment of digital assets, I would also like to take this opportunity to ask a general question regarding the proposed rule. Given the anticipated compliance costs and potential impact on market participants, I am curious to know whether the SEC has considered conducting a cost-benefit analysis to assess the economic effects of the proposed rule more comprehensively. Such an analysis would aid in understanding the potential pros and cons associated with the rule and inform decision-making regarding its implementation. 

Furthermore, I commend the SEC's effort in soliciting public comments on the economic analysis, benefits, costs, efficiency, competition, and capital formation effects of the proposed rule. This demonstrates a commitment to transparency and incorporating diverse perspectives into the regulatory process. I encourage the SEC to carefully review and consider the feedback received from various stakeholders to ensure the final rule achieves a fair balance between investor protection and market efficiency. 

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to revise the proposed rule on the safeguarding of advisory client assets to address the unequal treatment of different types of digital assets. By providing clarity and specific guidelines for digital assets and blockchain technology, the SEC can foster a regulatory environment that promotes innovation while adequately safeguarding investor interests. I also encourage the SEC to conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis to ensure the proposed rule's economic implications are thoroughly evaluated. 

Thank you for considering my concerns. I believe that by addressing these issues, the SEC can cultivate an environment that is conducive to responsible technological innovation while effectively protecting investors in the rapidly evolving landscape of digital assets. 


A Concerned U.S. Citizen