Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear SEC, 

I am writing as A Concerned U.S. Citizen to express my concerns and issues regarding the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I appreciate the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule, there are certain aspects of the proposal that require further consideration and may have unintended consequences. 

One significant concern I have is the inconsistent regulatory treatment of stablecoins. Stablecoins, which are digital assets pegged to a stable value, have gained significant traction in the financial market. However, the proposed rules do not provide a consistent regulatory framework for stablecoins, leading to uncertainty and potentially disrupting stablecoin markets. 

In order to effectively safeguard client assets, it is essential that the SEC provides clear guidelines and regulatory oversight for digital assets, including stablecoins. These assets are increasingly becoming a part of investment portfolios, and their unique characteristics require tailored regulations to ensure investor protection. 

Furthermore, the proposal should address the challenges associated with digital assets and provide guidance on how investment advisors can effectively demonstrate exclusive control over client assets. As digital assets are held on blockchain networks, the concept of exclusive control may differ from traditional custodial arrangements. It is imperative for the SEC to explore innovative methods and collaborate with industry stakeholders to develop robust custody solutions that align with the unique nature of digital assets. 

Additionally, I urge the SEC to consider the potential unintended consequences of the proposed rule on the innovation and development of digital asset technologies. The rapid advancements in blockchain technology and digital assets have the potential to transform finance and increase market efficiency. Heavy-handed regulations that do not account for the unique characteristics of digital assets may deter innovation and negatively impact the competitiveness of the United States in this rapidly evolving industry. 

Moreover, the proposed rule should provide clarifications on the distinction between qualified custodians for traditional assets and digital asset custodians. Digital asset custodians often employ sophisticated security measures, such as multi-signature wallets and cold storage solutions, to safeguard client assets. It is essential for the SEC to acknowledge these advancements and provide regulatory clarity on the requirements for digital asset custodians. 

Lastly, I encourage the SEC to collaborate with other regulatory agencies, both domestically and internationally, to establish consistent regulatory standards for digital assets. The global nature of digital assets requires a coordinated and harmonized approach to regulation to avoid regulatory arbitrage and ensure a level playing field for market participants. 

In conclusion, while I commend the SEC's efforts to safeguard advisory client assets, I urge you to address the concerns and issues raised regarding the inconsistent regulatory treatment of stablecoins and the unique challenges associated with digital assets. By developing clear and comprehensive regulations for digital assets, the SEC can foster a conducive regulatory environment that promotes market integrity, investor protection, and innovation. 

Thank you for considering my concerns. I look forward to the SEC's continued efforts to address these issues and create a regulatory framework that supports and encourages the growth of the digital asset industry. 


A Concerned U.S. Citizen