Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 

I am writing as a concerned citizen of the United States to provide my comments on the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I recognize the importance of protecting investor assets and addressing custodial challenges, I have several concerns regarding this proposal. In particular, I would like to highlight the lack of clarity on compliance requirements for non-custodial services and the need for guidance regarding digital assets or crypto. 

Firstly, I believe that the proposal falls short in providing clear guidance on compliance requirements for non-custodial services. The lack of clarity in this area creates uncertainty for market participants and may hinder the development and deployment of innovative investment strategies. It is essential that the SEC provides more specific guidelines to enable investment advisers to operate in a manner that is compliant with the rules while also meeting the evolving needs of their clients. 

Additionally, I would like to draw attention to the regulatory uncertainties surrounding digital assets or crypto. The proposal acknowledges that these assets pose unique challenges, yet fails to provide sufficient guidance to address these intricacies adequately. As digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, continue to transform finance and gain significant traction, it is crucial that regulatory frameworks adapt accordingly. Clarity and guidance in this area are essential to ensure investor protection without stifling innovation. 

Furthermore, I believe that the SEC should consider leveraging existing regulations and industry best practices to address the challenges posed by digital assets. Incorporating measures that have proven effective in related industries, such as blockchain technology, could provide a more efficient and effective safeguarding framework for client assets. This approach would strike a delicate balance between investor protection and fostering technological innovation necessary for the industry's growth. 

Moreover, given the complex and rapidly evolving nature of digital assets, periodic reassessment and evaluation of regulatory measures are imperative. To stay abreast of technological advancements and emerging risks, the SEC should establish a process of ongoing consultation with industry experts, stakeholders, and market participants. This collaborative approach will enable regulators to make informed decisions and adapt regulations, preventing hindrance to market growth and reducing the risk of regulatory arbitrage. 

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to address the lack of clarity on compliance requirements for non-custodial services and provide robust guidance regarding digital assets or crypto under the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." By doing so, the SEC will enhance investor protection, foster innovation, and ensure the longevity and competitiveness of the investment advisory industry. 

Thank you for considering my comments on this important matter. I strongly urge the SEC to take these concerns into serious consideration before finalizing the rule. Should you require any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


A Concerned U.S. Citizen