Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule on "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets". While it is commendable that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) seeks to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule, I believe there are certain provisions that may hinder the tokenization of traditional assets, thus limiting the potential benefits of blockchain technology. 

Digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, hold the promise of transforming the finance industry by providing new avenues for investors and improving the efficiency of transactions. However, the regulatory uncertainties surrounding digital assets pose significant challenges. Unfortunately, the proposed rule fails to adequately address these challenges, potentially stifling innovation in this rapidly evolving field. 

The Rule discusses the application of the custody rule to crypto assets and acknowledges the unique difficulties in demonstrating exclusive control over them. This is an important consideration, as the custody of digital assets often relies on the use of distributed ledger technology, where control is decentralized among multiple network participants. However, the proposed rule does not provide clear guidelines for investment advisers to demonstrate exclusive control over these assets, creating uncertainty and potential compliance burdens. 

Furthermore, the Rule's requirement for investments to be held with a qualified custodian could impede the tokenization of traditional assets. Tokenization, the process of representing traditional assets as digital tokens on a blockchain, offers numerous advantages such as increased liquidity and fractional ownership. However, mandating that tokenized assets be held with a qualified custodian may limit the potential benefits that blockchain technology can bring to investors and the market as a whole. 

While investor protection is of paramount importance, it is essential that regulatory frameworks keep pace with technological advancements. The SEC should strive to strike a delicate balance between safeguarding investor interests and fostering innovation. As such, I urge the SEC to provide more clarity on how investment advisers can demonstrate exclusive control over digital assets without imposing unnecessary burdens on market participants. 

Additionally, I would appreciate further examination of the potential negative impact of the proposed rule on the tokenization of traditional assets. The SEC should consider conducting a thorough economic analysis to understand the costs and benefits of this emerging technology. By doing so, the SEC can ensure that regulation does not impede the transformative potential of blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies. 

In conclusion, I believe that the proposed rule has not adequately considered the unique challenges posed by digital assets and may hinder the tokenization of traditional assets. I respectfully urge the SEC to provide clearer guidance on demonstrating exclusive control over digital assets and to carefully assess the regulatory impact on the tokenization market. By doing so, the SEC can appropriately balance investor protection with fostering innovation. 

Thank you for considering my concerns. I trust that the SEC will give due diligence to the feedback provided by concerned citizens like myself. 


A Concerned U.S. Citizen