Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from TwoSpouts Media
From: TwoSpouts Media

Oct. 28, 2023

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I understand
the aim to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the
custody rule, I have several concerns and issues with the proposed
rule that I would like to address.

Firstly, I am concerned about the lack of flexibility for innovative
custodial solutions, particularly in the digital asset industry. The
SEC's proposed rules do not provide room for innovative custodial
solutions in this rapidly evolving space. Digital assets, such as
cryptocurrencies, have revolutionized the finance industry by
utilizing blockchain technology. However, regulatory uncertainties
surrounding these assets pose significant challenges to their custody.
By stifling competition and hindering progress, the proposed rules may
impede the growth and development of the digital asset industry. It is
important for the SEC to consider innovative and secure custodial
solutions that can adequately protect client assets while allowing for
the unique nature of digital assets.

Additionally, I would like to address the proposed rule's
treatment of digital assets or crypto assets in general. The
SEC's approach to these assets must be carefully balanced. On the
one hand, it is crucial to promote investor protection and establish
clear guidelines for custody of digital assets. On the other hand, it
is important not to stifle innovation and hinder the potential
benefits that digital assets can bring to the financial industry. The
proposed rule should offer more nuanced considerations for the unique
characteristics and risks associated with digital assets, ensuring
that investor protection is upheld without impeding the growth of the

Furthermore, I have concerns regarding the economic analysis of the
proposed rule. While I appreciate the SEC's efforts to assess the
costs and benefits of the amendments, the complexity and variability
of custodial practices among investment advisers make it challenging
to accurately estimate the economic effects. It is important for the
SEC to conduct a detailed analysis that considers the potential
impacts on efficiency, competition, and capital formation. This will
enable a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed rule's
potential benefits and costs, while also addressing any unintended
consequences that may arise.

In conclusion, while I recognize the importance of investor
protections and the need to address gaps in the custody rule, I
believe that the proposed rule can be further refined to provide more
flexibility for innovative custodial solutions, particularly in the
digital asset industry. It is essential for the SEC to foster a
regulatory environment that encourages growth and innovation while
balancing the need for investor protection.

I appreciate the opportunity to provide my feedback on this proposal.
Please consider my concerns as you continue to review and update the
rules regarding the safeguarding of advisory client assets.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.