Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I, A Concerned U.S. Citizen, am submitting this public comment in response to the proposed rule on "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I appreciate the efforts made by the SEC to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule, I have several concerns I would like to address. 

First and foremost, I would like to raise the issue of the lack of clarity on the tax implications of digital assets. The proposal does not provide clear guidance in this regard, leaving market participants uncertain about how to navigate the complexities of taxation when it comes to crypto assets. Given the increasing prominence of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, in our financial landscape, it is crucial that the SEC provides clear and comprehensive guidance on this matter. Failure to do so will only hinder innovation and growth in the digital asset space. 

Moreover, the proposed rule does not adequately address the unique challenges posed by digital assets. Digital assets, like cryptocurrencies, are built on blockchain technology and have the potential to transform finance as we know it. However, regulatory uncertainties surrounding these assets create significant challenges for market participants. The proposal should have taken a more proactive approach in addressing these concerns and providing guidance on how to safeguard digital assets while ensuring investor protection. 

Additionally, I believe the proposed rule should have included a comprehensive framework for the custody of digital assets. While the rule acknowledges the application of the custody rule to crypto assets, it fails to provide sufficient guidance on how investment advisers can demonstrate exclusive control over these assets. Without clear guidelines, investment advisers may struggle to effectively implement custody measures for digital assets, potentially exposing their clients to unnecessary risks. 

Furthermore, the proposed rule should have considered the potential benefits and risks associated with blockchain technology beyond the realm of digital assets. Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize not just finance, but various industries. It is concerning that the proposal does not adequately discuss the broader implications of this technology and how it may impact investor protections. By ignoring the transformative potential of blockchain technology, the SEC may inadvertently hinder innovation and impede the growth of our economy. 

In conclusion, while the SEC's proposal to enhance the safeguarding of client assets is a step in the right direction, I believe there are several areas where improvements can be made. The lack of clarity on the tax implications of digital assets, the absence of a comprehensive framework for digital asset custody, and the failure to address the broader implications of blockchain technology are all concerns that need to be adequately addressed. I urge the SEC to carefully consider these concerns and take proactive steps to foster innovation while ensuring investor protection in the rapidly evolving digital asset landscape. 

Thank you for considering my comments. I hope that my input will contribute to the formulation of a robust and effective rule that upholds the best interests of both investors and the economy as a whole. 


A Concerned U.S. Citizen