Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I, A Concerned U.S. Citizen, am writing to share my concerns regarding the proposed rule on safeguarding advisory client assets. While I appreciate the Securities and Exchange Commission's efforts to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule, I believe that the proposed rule does not adequately consider the environmental impact of digital asset mining and transaction validation processes. Additionally, the regulation of digital assets and cryptocurrencies presents unique challenges that require careful consideration. 

Digital assets, including cryptocurrency, have fundamentally transformed the financial landscape and offer significant potential for economic growth and innovation. However, the rapid adoption of digital assets has also led to environmental concerns due to the energy-intensive nature of mining and transaction validation processes. The proposal falls short in addressing these environmental impacts, failing to provide guidelines or requirements for investment advisers who engage with digital assets. 

Mining operations for certain digital assets consume massive amounts of electricity, contributing to carbon emissions and exacerbating climate change. The proposal should take into account the environmental consequences of mining cryptocurrencies and should encourage investment advisers to consider sustainable practices when engaging with these assets. Implementing guidelines for energy-efficient mining operations and incentivizing the use of renewable energy sources would help mitigate the environmental impact. 

Moreover, the proposal would benefit from providing clarification on how investment advisers should address the security and custody challenges associated with digital assets. Traditional custodial practices are not always applicable or effective in the context of digital assets due to the unique nature of blockchain technology. The proposed rule should better define the framework within which investment advisers can demonstrate exclusive control and safeguard the assets in their custody. 

While the SEC has acknowledged that regulatory uncertainties exist within the crypto space, the proposed rule does not sufficiently provide solutions to address these uncertainties. Guidance on the application of the rule to crypto assets and clear standards for qualified custodianship would provide much-needed clarity for investment advisers navigating this rapidly evolving landscape. With digital assets becoming mainstream investment options, it is imperative to have regulatory frameworks that adequately protect investors without stifling innovation. 

In conclusion, the Securities and Exchange Commission should incorporate considerations of the environmental impact of digital asset mining and transaction validation processes. The proposed safeguarding rule should encourage sustainable practices and minimize the carbon footprint associated with the growing digital asset industry. Additionally, the regulation of digital assets requires clear and comprehensive guidance that addresses the unique challenges they present. I urge the SEC to strike a balance between investor protection and innovation, ensuring that these emerging technologies are regulated in an effective and environmentally responsible manner. 

Thank you for considering my concerns. I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the public comment process. Should you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


A Concerned U.S. Citizen