Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule, "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets," and wish to express deep concerns about the lack of regulatory clarity for tokenized gaming assets and the implications it may have on investor protection and the development of the digital asset industry. 

As a concerned U.S. citizen, I understand the need to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule through this proposed rule. However, the absence of clear regulatory guidelines for tokenized gaming assets creates uncertainty and potential legal challenges, causing detrimental effects not only to investors but also to the development of innovative financial technologies. 

Digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, have gained significant traction globally, revolutionizing the finance industry by enabling secure and decentralized transactions. Yet, regulatory uncertainties continue to pose challenges, and the proposed rule exacerbates this issue by failing to provide a clear framework specifically addressing tokenized gaming assets. 

Tokenized gaming assets, representing virtual goods or in-game assets on blockchain platforms, have rapidly gained popularity among investors and gamers alike. These assets hold considerable value within virtual ecosystems, and their potential for real-world utility is growing. However, the lack of clarity surrounding their regulatory status makes it challenging for investment advisers to effectively manage and safeguard client assets in this emerging market. 

Furthermore, the absence of specific guidelines for tokenized gaming assets may deter potential investors, preventing them from participating in this rapidly evolving sector due to uncertainties over legal compliance and investor protection. This hinders the growth of the digital asset industry and limits the access to innovative financial products for both accredited and retail investors. 

Given the SEC's commitment to facilitating capital formation and protecting investors, I urge the Commission to address this regulatory gap promptly. Clear guidelines and regulatory definitions for tokenized gaming assets would provide much-needed certainty to market participants, enabling responsible innovation and safeguarding investor interests. 

Additionally, the proposed rule should consider accommodating the unique nature of tokenized gaming assets, which differ significantly from traditional financial assets, in its definitions and provisions. Establishing distinct rules for these assets would promote their development while ensuring appropriate safeguards and investor protections within the gaming ecosystem. 

It is crucial for the Commission to tap into the expertise of industry stakeholders, including gamers, developers, and platform operators, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of tokenized gaming assets. Taking these perspectives into account during the rulemaking process will enable the SEC to strike a balance between investor protection and fostering innovation in the increasingly important digital asset sector. 

In conclusion, I respectfully request that the SEC address the lack of regulatory clarity for tokenized gaming assets within the proposed rule, "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." Providing explicit guidelines and bespoke rules for tokenized gaming assets would ensure a level playing field for market participants, encourage responsible innovation, and ultimately enhance investor protections within this evolving landscape. 

Thank you for considering my concerns and suggestions. I trust that the Securities and Exchange Commission will carefully evaluate all public comments to develop a well-informed and effective regulation that meets the needs of investors, industry participants, and the broader economy. 


A Concerned U.S. Citizen