Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule, "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets," issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As a concerned U.S. citizen, I appreciate the Commission's commitment to investor protection and the enhancement of regulatory oversight in the investment advisory industry. However, I have some concerns regarding the proposed rule, particularly in relation to tokenized debt instruments and the treatment of digital assets in general. 

The proposal, while comprehensive in addressing the safeguarding of client assets, seems to overlook the unique characteristics of tokenized debt instruments. Tokenized debt instruments have gained increasing prominence in recent years, offering efficient and innovative forms of capital markets financing. These instruments, built on blockchain technology, offer benefits such as enhanced transparency, increased liquidity, and reduced intermediation costs. However, the proposal fails to adequately consider their distinctive features, potentially hindering their development and adoption. 

The proposal touches upon the application of the rule to crypto assets, but it does not delve deeply into the unique challenges and opportunities posed by these digital assets. The emergence of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, has transformed traditional notions of finance and investment. However, the absence of clear regulatory frameworks has created uncertainties and limitations for market participants. While it is crucial for the SEC to ensure investor protection and mitigate risks associated with digital assets, it is equally important to foster innovation and adapt regulatory approaches to the evolving landscape of finance. 

To address these concerns and enhance the regulatory framework around new asset classes like tokenized debt instruments and cryptocurrencies, the SEC should consider the following points: 

Foster a Regulatory Environment for Digital Assets: The SEC should prioritize the establishment of robust regulatory frameworks for digital assets, focusing on investor protection and fostering innovation. This includes clarity on definitions, registration requirements, and regulatory oversight for digital asset custodians, as well as guidelines for investment advisers dealing with digital assets. 

Proportional Regulatory Requirements: The SEC should assess whether the proposed rule imposes proportionate regulatory requirements on investment advisers handling tokenized debt instruments and digital assets. It is essential to strike a balance between investor protection and fostering capital formation, accounting for the unique characteristics and potential benefits of these assets. 

Collaboration with Stakeholders: The SEC should collaborate with industry stakeholders, including market participants, investment advisers, and technology innovators, to better understand the market dynamics and risks associated with digital assets. A cooperative approach would enable the SEC to develop informed and effective regulatory measures that align with industry innovations. 

International Regulatory Alignment: Given the global nature of digital assets, the SEC should strive for international regulatory alignment to ensure consistency and minimize regulatory arbitrage. Collaboration with international regulators, standard-setting bodies, and industry forums can help develop harmonized standards and best practices for digital asset regulation. 

In conclusion, while the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" demonstrates the SEC's commitment to investor protection and regulatory oversight, it falls short of addressing the unique characteristics and potential benefits of tokenized debt instruments and digital assets. The SEC should consider the points raised above to foster a regulatory environment that enables innovation, protects investors, and encourages the growth of these emerging asset classes. I trust that the Commission will carefully deliberate on these concerns as it finalizes the rule. 

Thank you for considering my public comment. I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the rulemaking process, and I remain at your disposal for any further information or clarification. 


A Concerned U.S. Citizen