Subject: S7-04-23
From: Hym Self

Oct. 28, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to express my deep disappointment and frustration with the proposed rule on the safeguarding of advisory client assets. While I understand that the SEC is trying to enhance investor protections, I must say that the proposed rule falls gravely short in providing consistent regulatory treatment for tokenized energy assets, thereby creating uncertainty and potential regulatory arbitrage. 

It is truly disheartening to see that the SEC has failed to adequately address the unique characteristics of tokenized energy assets. These assets have the potential to revolutionize the investment landscape and provide investors with exciting new opportunities in energy markets. However, your failure to establish a clear regulatory framework for tokenized energy assets only serves to hinder their development and restrict their potential. 

The lack of consistent regulatory treatment for tokenized energy assets not only undermines investor confidence but also opens the door for conflicting and burdensome regulatory requirements. This inconsistent treatment paves the way for regulatory arbitrage, where market participants can seek more favorable environments for tokenized energy asset transactions, further fragmenting the regulatory landscape and impeding the growth of this innovative sector. 

I am deeply disappointed in the SEC's inability or unwillingness to provide clear and consistent regulatory guidance for tokenized energy assets. It is imperative that the SEC recognizes the unique features of digital assets and takes concrete steps to ensure a regulatory framework that facilitates innovation, provides market participants with certainty, and fosters the development of a thriving tokenized energy asset market. 

In addition to my concerns about tokenized energy assets, I have serious reservations about the proposed rule's broader impact on the digital asset ecosystem. The rapid growth of digital assets necessitates a carefully crafted regulatory framework that understands and addresses the unique challenges and opportunities of this emerging market. I implore the SEC to pay careful heed to the following issues: 

Balancing Innovation and Investor Protection: Please remember that heavy-handed regulations can suffocate innovation and hinder the potential benefits that digital assets can offer. It is crucial to find a balance that respects both innovation and investor protection. 

Collaboration with Industry Stakeholders: I strongly urge the SEC to actively engage with industry stakeholders to develop regulations that are not only practical and enforceable but also effective in addressing the distinctive challenges of digital assets. By opening a meaningful and ongoing dialogue, we can foster cooperation and create a regulatory environment that truly works for all stakeholders. 

International Alignment as a Necessity: Given the global nature of digital assets, it is absolutely essential for the SEC to coordinate and align its efforts with international regulatory bodies. By achieving coherence across jurisdictions, we can provide clarity for market participants, eliminate regulatory arbitrage, and ensure consistent investor protections on a global scale. 

Flexibility for the Future: The pace of technological change in the digital asset space demands regulations that are forward-thinking, adaptable, and able to keep up with emerging technologies and market developments. A future-proof regulatory approach will ensure stability and flexibility in this dynamic industry. 

In conclusion, I hope that the SEC will grasp the importance of delivering consistent regulatory treatment for tokenized energy assets and will actively address the regulatory uncertainties surrounding digital assets more broadly. Taking into account the concerns of market participants and stakeholders is vital for establishing a regulatory framework that encourages innovation, enhances investor protection, and nurtures the growth of a resilient and secure digital asset ecosystem. 

Thank you for contemplating my comments. Rest assured, I am fully committed to actively participating in the public comment process and working tirelessly towards a regulatory framework that is fair, transparent, and fully supportive of innovation. 

Yours sincerely, 

A Concerned U.S. Citizen