Subject: S7-04-23
From: Sunny Ali

Oct. 27, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I understand the need to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule, I believe that certain aspects of the rule may have a potential negative impact on the growth and development of decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, limiting innovation and potential financial inclusion. 

One area of concern is the rule's treatment of digital assets or crypto. Digital assets, such as cryptocurrency, have been transformative in the financial industry, enabling greater efficiency, transparency, and accessibility. However, the regulatory uncertainties surrounding digital assets pose challenges for their integration into traditional systems. By imposing additional requirements on investment advisers regarding the custody of digital assets, the proposed rule may hinder the progress of DeFi projects and limit the potential benefits they offer. 

The decentralized nature of DeFi projects is one of their key strengths, enabling peer-to-peer transactions and eliminating the need for intermediaries. The proposed rule's focus on custodianship and exclusive control may not align with the decentralized architecture of many digital assets. Forcing investment advisers to demonstrate exclusive control over digital assets held on behalf of clients can create significant challenges and potentially stifle innovation. 

Additionally, the proposed rule's application to crypto assets raises concerns about the SEC's understanding of the unique characteristics and technical intricacies of these assets. The evolving nature of digital assets necessitates a flexible regulatory environment, which may not be adequately addressed by the current proposal. Balancing investor protection with the promotion of innovation is crucial, and careful consideration of the impact on emerging technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies is necessary. 

Furthermore, it is essential to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to the regulation of digital assets. Classifying all digital assets as homogeneous does not reflect the diversity within the digital asset ecosystem. Different tokens serve different purposes, and their regulatory treatment should also vary accordingly. Imposing the same level of custody requirements on all digital assets may hinder the growth of valuable projects and limit the variety of financial options available to investors. 

In conclusion, while I acknowledge the SEC's intention to enhance investor protections, I urge careful consideration of the potential negative impact on decentralized finance projects and digital assets. A nuanced approach to the regulation of digital assets is needed to strike a balance between investor protection and fostering innovation. I appreciate the SEC's commitment to transparency and its invitation for public comments on the proposed rule and its economic analysis. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 


Sunny Ali