Subject: S7-04-23
From: Sunny Ali

Oct. 27, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" (Release No. IA-5653) in response to the invitation for public input. As an investor and advocate for digital assets, particularly cryptocurrencies, I have concerns regarding the unequal treatment of different types of digital assets in the SEC's proposed rules. 

Digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, have emerged as a transformative force in the financial landscape, offering innovative solutions and opportunities for investors. However, the regulatory framework surrounding these assets is still in its nascent stages, leading to uncertainty and potential regulatory arbitrage. It is important for regulators to create a level playing field for all digital assets and avoid inconsistencies that may hinder their growth. 

The proposed rules, while aiming to enhance investor protections, fall short in providing clear guidance and equal treatment for different types of digital assets. The SEC's attempts to define and classify digital assets within the scope of the proposed rule lack clarity and may result in confusion and regulatory uncertainty for investment advisers and investors alike. 

By treating different types of digital assets inconsistently, the proposed rules create a disparity that could inadvertently stifle innovation and discourage investment in this rapidly evolving sector. It is crucial for the SEC to recognize the diverse nature of digital assets and tailor the regulatory framework accordingly to foster innovation while ensuring investor protections. 

Furthermore, the proposed rules regarding the custody of digital assets raise practical challenges. Demonstrating exclusive control over certain types of digital assets, as required by the proposed rules, can be technically complex due to the distributed and decentralized nature of blockchain technology. In such instances, the lack of clear guidance and flexible alternatives could hinder investment advisers in their duty to safeguard client assets effectively. 

To promote the growth of the digital asset ecosystem within a robust regulatory framework, I urge the SEC to engage with industry experts, investors, and stakeholders to create comprehensive rules that encompass the full range of digital assets. By establishing clear definitions and guidelines that cover various categories of digital assets, the SEC can provide the necessary regulatory certainty to support responsible innovation and protect investors. 

In conclusion, the proposed rules' unequal treatment of different types of digital assets creates inconsistencies and regulatory uncertainties in the rapidly evolving realm of digital assets. To foster innovation, encourage investment, and ensure adequate protections for investors, it is crucial for the SEC to establish a comprehensive and flexible regulatory framework that treats all digital assets equitably. I appreciate the opportunity to provide this feedback and strongly encourage the SEC to carefully consider these concerns in the rulemaking process. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 


Sunny Ali