Subject: Public Comment for Re-Opened Rule: S7-04-23
From: Giuseppe Oliveri

Oct. 27, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to provide my comments on the recently proposed rule by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) titled "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." I appreciate the opportunity to voice my concerns and engage in an open dialogue regarding investor protections and the safeguarding of client assets. In particular, I would like to address the unequal treatment of different types of digital assets and the challenges they present.
Digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, are rapidly gaining traction in the financial industry, driven by advancements in blockchain technology. However, the proposed rules by the SEC treat different types of digital assets inconsistently, leading to confusion and potential regulatory arbitrage. It is crucial to ensure that regulatory measures are not only robust but also flexible to accommodate emerging innovations.
The SEC's proposed rules attempt to address the challenges associated with digital assets but lack clarity and guidance in their application. This ambiguity may lead to varying interpretations and inconsistent regulatory approaches among investment advisers, creating unnecessary burdens and risks for investors. To foster investor confidence and protect their assets adequately, it is imperative to establish a clear and consistent framework for the treatment of digital assets. 

Additionally, the proposed rules should acknowledge that custody and safeguarding practices for digital assets differ significantly from traditional assets. The unique characteristics of digital assets, such as their cryptographic nature and decentralized control, require tailored and innovative solutions to ensure their proper custody and protection. A one-size-fits-all approach may not effectively address the specific risks and challenges associated with these assets.
Furthermore, the SEC should consider leveraging industry expertise and engaging with market participants to develop comprehensive and balanced regulations for the safeguarding of digital assets. The cooperation between regulators, industry stakeholders, and investors will lead to more effective and agile regulatory solutions. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration, regulators can leverage industry knowledge to strike a balance between investor protection and innovation. 

To address these concerns, the SEC should consider establishing a dedicated task force or advisory committee responsible for examining emerging trends, technology advancements, and associated risks in the digital asset space. This dedicated entity would advise the SEC on best practices, industry standards, and regulatory frameworks specific to digital assets, ensuring investor protection while fostering innovation and growth.
In conclusion, the current proposal falls short in providing adequate clarity and guidance for the treatment of different types of digital assets. It is essential for the SEC to reassess and revise the proposed rules to encompass a more comprehensive and flexible framework that can accommodate the unique features and challenges presented by digital assets. By doing so, investor protection can be ensured while enabling innovation and growth in this rapidly evolving landscape.
Once again, thank you for providing the opportunity to share my concerns on this important matter. I look forward to the SEC's thoughtful consideration of my comments and the incorporation of a more balanced and practical approach toward the treatment of digital assets.
Giuseppe Oliveri