Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Phil Lawrence
From: Phil Lawrence

Oct. 25, 2023

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to offer my concerns and comments regarding the proposed
rule on "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" (Release Nos.
IA-5711; File No. S7-14-20). I appreciate the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) for taking measures to address the safeguarding of
client assets and enhance investor protections. However, upon
reviewing the proposal, I have identified certain areas that require
further consideration and refinement.

Scope of Rule
The proposed rule expands the coverage of investments held in a
client's account, duly defining assets and incorporating
discretionary authority into custody. While these amendments ensure a
more comprehensive approach to safeguarding client assets, it is
crucial to strike a balance that does not unduly burden investment
advisers. The potential regulatory burden should not outweigh the
benefits to investors and the market.

Qualified Custodian Protections
The rule's focus on how investment advisers safeguard client
assets, including the application of the rule to crypto assets, is
commendable. However, there are challenges in demonstrating exclusive
control over these assets. It is essential for the SEC to provide
clear guidance on the standards and protocols that would adequately
demonstrate exclusive control, considering the dynamic nature of
digital assets.

Segregation of Client Assets
The proposed rule rightly emphasizes the necessity for advisers to
segregate client assets from their own. This segregation bolsters
investor protection and minimizes the risk of asset loss. However, it
is crucial to ensure that exceptions to the segregation requirement
are strictly limited and transparently justified. Any exception should
prioritize the protection of client assets and endure stringent

Amendments to the Surprise Examination Requirement
The changes requiring advisers to implement a written agreement with
an independent public accountant for surprise examinations are
commendable. However, careful thought must be given to the frequency,
scope, and cost implications of these examinations. Striking a balance
between safeguarding client assets and mitigating undue burdens on
advisers is essential. Consideration should be given to assessments
based on the size and complexity of the adviser's operations.

Amendments to the Investment Adviser Recordkeeping Rule
The proposed amendments emphasizing recordkeeping requirements
pertaining to client notifications, custodian information, and
transactions, among others, are essential to improve oversight and
investor protection. However, adequate guidance on the formatting,
organization, and retention of these records must be provided to
prevent undue compliance complexity and unintended costs for advisers.

Economic Analysis
The SEC's considerations of costs and benefits in the proposed
rule demonstrate a diligent approach to evaluating the potential
impact on the industry. While the SEC acknowledges the challenges in
estimating economic effects, it is essential to ensure that the
proposed rule's benefits outweigh the costs, particularly for
smaller advisers. The SEC should adopt a flexible approach in
considering the unique circumstances of different advisers within the

In conclusion, I recommend that the SEC carefully evaluate each
element of the proposed rule, bearing in mind the delicate balance
between investor protection and regulatory burden. Community input
must be sought and incorporated during the rulemaking process to
harness the valuable insights and perspectives of those impacted by
the proposed regulation. The SEC should engage in meaningful
consultation with affected communities, taking into account their
needs and concerns.

Thank you for considering my public comment. I trust that the SEC will
exhaustively deliberate on the comprehensive range of concerns raised
by various stakeholders to ensure that any final rule strikes a
balance that comprehensively protects the interests of investors while
promoting a vibrant investment advisory industry. Should there be any
additional information or clarifications required, please do not
hesitate to contact me.


Phil Lawrence