Subject: S7-04-23
From: Brian Bendtsen

Oct. 23, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule on Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets. 

While the intention of the rule is to enhance investor protection, I believe that it unfairly treats different market participants, leading to potential unfair competition and market distortions. Furthermore, the proposed rules fail to adequately address the unique challenges posed by digital assets or cryptocurrency, which are increasingly shaping the financial industry. One area of concern is the unequal treatment of different market participants. The proposed rules expand the coverage of investments held in a client's account and introduce new requirements for investment advisers. However, these rules do not account for the varying complexity and risk profiles across different types of market participants. Treating all investment advisers in the same manner disregards the inherent differences in their operations and can lead to unintended consequences. It is crucial to ensure that regulations are tailored to address the specific needs and characteristics of different market participants to avoid distorting competition and hindering innovation. 

Another emerging area that demands attention is the regulation of digital assets or crypto. The proposed rule inadequately addresses the challenges and rapid evolution of this sector. Digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, are built on innovative blockchain technology and are transforming the financial landscape. However, the regulatory environment surrounding these assets remains uncertain. Imposing rigorous and inflexible rules without fully understanding their implications can stifle growth and innovation in this burgeoning field. It is essential for the SEC to strike a balance between investor protection and fostering an environment that encourages responsible innovation in the digital asset space. Moreover, it is imperative to consider the economic implications of the proposed rule. While the rule aims to enhance investor protections, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the potential costs and benefits. Compliance costs for investment advisers should not be unduly burdensome, particularly for smaller market participants. Striking the right balance between investor protection and the preservation of economic efficiency is essential. 

I urge the SEC to extensively analyze the economic effects of the proposed rule and consider reasonable alternatives that could achieve the desired objectives without imposing unnecessary costs on investment advisers and their clients. In addition to these concerns, I also have a general question regarding the proposed rule. What specific measures does the SEC plan to implement to address the unique challenges posed by digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies? 

Considering the rapid growth and technological advancements in this space, it is vital for regulators to stay ahead of the curve and develop nuanced approaches that facilitate innovation while maintaining investor protection. 

Thank you for considering my comments and providing an opportunity to voice my concerns. I believe that it is crucial for the SEC to thoroughly evaluate the potential impact of these proposed rules and consider the rapidly changing landscape of the financial industry. Finding a balance that preserves fair competition and fosters innovation while ensuring investor protection is paramount. 

Sincerely, Brian