Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Jeff Anderson
From: Jeff Anderson

Oct. 22, 2023

Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549

Subject: Public Comment - Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets Proposal

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the Securities and
Exchange Commission's proposal on the "Safeguarding Advisory
Client Assets." While I appreciate the SEC's efforts to
enhance investor protections, I believe there are several issues with
the proposed rule amendments that I would like to highlight.

Firstly, I find it concerning that the proposed rule does not
sufficiently consider global regulatory standards for digital assets.
In an increasingly interconnected and globalized financial landscape,
it is imperative that regulatory frameworks align to avoid
fragmentation and hinder cross-border transactions. It is crucial for
the SEC to engage with international regulatory bodies to ensure
harmonization and facilitate efficient and secure cross-border flows
of digital assets.

Moreover, I have reservations about the complexity and potential
inconsistencies that may arise from the proposed reporting
requirements for participants in Decentralized Finance (DeFi). The
requirement of multiple, inconsistent reports for the same transaction
could lead to confusion and hinder the usability and efficiency of
DeFi protocols. It is crucial for the SEC to establish clear and
unified reporting standards that align with the evolving nature of
decentralized technologies.

In addition to these concerns, I would like to raise a broader issue
regarding the proposed rule's economic analysis. While I
understand the importance of estimating costs and benefits, it is
challenging to capture the full economic effects due to varying
practices among investment advisers. As such, it is crucial for the
SEC to engage in comprehensive consultation with industry experts and
stakeholders to ensure a nuanced examination of the economic impacts
of the proposed rule amendments.

Furthermore, I urge the SEC to closely consider the potential
unintended consequences on small entities. The proposed rule could
impose significant compliance burdens and costs on small advisers,
potentially hindering their ability to serve clients effectively. I
implore the SEC to carefully assess the impact on small entities and
consider possible alternatives or simplifications to alleviate
potential barriers to entry and growth.

In conclusion, I appreciate the SEC's dedication to enhancing
investor protections through the proposed rule. However, I believe
there are areas that require further consideration and refinement to
ensure the seamless integration of global regulatory standards, the
effectiveness and efficiency of DeFi protocols, and the sustainable
growth of small entities in the advisory industry. I look forward to
the SEC's responsiveness to these concerns and further engagement
with stakeholders.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Jeff Anderson