Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Jordan Reed
From: Jordan Reed

Oct. 22, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to provide a public comment on the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets". While I recognize the
intent to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody
rule, I have concerns regarding the lack of industry expertise
displayed in the drafting of the proposal. It is vital that
regulations in the digital assets and cryptocurrency space are
informed and considerate of the unique characteristics of this rapidly
evolving industry.

One major concern I have is the poorly defined terms used throughout
the proposal. Terms such as "platform",
"software", and "ledger" are susceptible to
various interpretations, leaving room for confusion and challenges in
implementation. Additionally, the definition provided for terms like
"wallet" and "validator" does not accurately
describe their technical meaning in the digital asset and
cryptocurrency context. This lack of clarity and understanding could
lead to misguided enforcement and unintended consequences.

In order to ensure effective regulation in this space, it is crucial
for the Securities and Exchange Commission to seek input from industry
experts who possess a deep understanding of digital assets and
cryptocurrency. This will help avoid regulatory overreach and better
align the proposed rule with the realities of the industry.

Furthermore, the proposed rule could benefit from additional
specificity and guidance. While the aim is to enhance client asset
protection, the current proposal appears insufficient in addressing
the complexities and uniqueness of digital assets. The SEC should
consider working closely with industry experts to develop clearer
guidelines that account for the technical aspects of digital assets
and establish best practices for safeguarding these assets.
To encourage collaboration and avoid inadvertently stifling
innovation, it is essential that the SEC engages with key stakeholders
in the digital asset and cryptocurrency space. This will help create a
regulatory framework that provides investor protections while still
promoting growth and development within the industry.

In conclusion, it is imperative that the SEC draws upon the expertise
of industry professionals when crafting and refining regulations
pertaining to digital assets and cryptocurrency. Without a deep
understanding of the industry's unique characteristics, there is
a risk of confusion, overreach, and unintended consequences.
Clarifying poorly defined terms and providing specific guidance will
contribute to the development of effective regulations that balance
investor protections and the need for continued innovation.

Thank you for considering my concerns. I appreciate the opportunity to
provide input on this important matter.

Jordan Reed