Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Carlos Bustillos
From: Carlos Bustillos

Oct. 22, 2023


Carlos Bustillos
[123 Address Street]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549
Re: Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets
File Number S7-00-20XX

Dear Commissioners,

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule for
safeguarding advisory client assets filed by the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) on [date]. While I applaud the aim of
enhancing investor protections and addressing gaps in the existing
custody rule, I have concerns regarding the lack of clarity in the
definition of digital assets and the use of poorly defined terms
within the proposal.

Firstly, the proposal fails to provide clear guidance on what
constitutes a digital asset. Terms like platform, software, and ledger
are used without proper definition, leaving room for varied
interpretations. Without a detailed understanding of these terms, both
advisors and clients may face difficulties in accurately assessing
their obligations and responsibilities.

Furthermore, the definition of terms such as wallet and validator
within the proposal does not align with their technical meaning in the
context of digital assets. This discrepancy introduces additional
confusion and potential misinterpretation of the rule. In order to
foster efficient and compliant practices within the industry, it is
crucial for the SEC to provide precise definitions that encompass the
technical aspects of digital assets.

Overall, the lack of clarity in these defined terms may hinder the
effective implementation of the proposed rule, leading to potential
compliance issues and unintended consequences. As the digital asset
landscape continues to evolve rapidly, it is imperative for the SEC to
provide comprehensive and clear definitions that adapt to emerging
technologies. Failure to do so could hamper investor protection and
impede the growth of the advisory industry.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to reconsider the clarity of the
definitions used in the proposed rule for safeguarding advisory client
assets. By providing precise and comprehensive definitions, the SEC
can ensure that both advisors and clients fully understand their
obligations and responsibilities in relation to digital assets. This
will ultimately foster a more transparent and resilient investment

Thank you for considering my concerns. I believe that by working
towards a clearer and more inclusive framework, the SEC can truly
enhance investor protections and build a foundation for sustainable
growth within the advisory industry.


Carlos Bustillos