Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from VM
From: VM

Oct. 22, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule on the
safeguarding of advisory client assets. While I appreciate the
SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections and address gaps in
the custody rule, I have identified several issues that need further
consideration. In particular, I believe there is inadequate
consideration of smart contracts and digital assets.

Smart contracts, as implemented on blockchain technology, have
revolutionized the finance industry. These digital agreements have the
potential to streamline transactions and increase transparency.
However, the SEC's proposal does not adequately address the
unique characteristics of smart contracts, leading to regulatory
challenges and potential legal uncertainties.

Digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, have also emerged as a
significant component of investment portfolios. The growing popularity
of these assets necessitates a comprehensive regulatory framework that
recognizes their unique properties. Unfortunately, the proposal fails
to provide clear guidelines for the safeguarding and custody of
digital assets, leaving investors vulnerable to potential risks.

Furthermore, the proposal's broad scope lacks the necessary
specificity for addressing digital assets. The SEC should consider
providing clear definitions of digital assets to ensure consistent
application of the rules across the industry. By establishing precise
criteria and classifications, investors and advisers can navigate
their obligations more effectively.

To address these concerns, I suggest the SEC consider collaborating
with industry experts and stakeholders to develop guidance
specifically tailored to smart contracts and digital assets. This
collaboration would enable the SEC to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the challenges and risks associated with these
emerging technologies.

Moreover, the SEC should explore the international regulatory
landscape to align its approach with global standards. With digital
assets crossing borders seamlessly, it is crucial to establish
consistent regulations to foster innovation while safeguarding
investor interests.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to reconsider and include robust
provisions in the final rule that address the unique features and
challenges posed by smart contracts and digital assets. By doing so,
we can achieve a regulatory framework that facilitates innovation and
safeguards investor protection.

Thank you for considering my concerns. I appreciate the opportunity to
provide input on this significant proposal.
