Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Joe Danvers
From: Joe Danvers

Oct. 17, 2023

As a concerned citizen, I strongly oppose the proposed
legislation by the SEC regarding the safeguarding of advisory client
assets in the context of cryptocurrency and digital assets. While I
understand the need for regulatory oversight in this rapidly evolving
industry, I believe that the SEC's approach in this case
represents an overreach that could stifle innovation and hinder the
growth of the digital asset market.

First and foremost, it is important to recognize that existing laws
already provide a framework for the protection of client assets. The
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, for example, requires investment
advisers to act as fiduciaries and to have a duty of care and loyalty
towards their clients. This includes the obligation to safeguard
client assets and to act in their best interests. By imposing
additional regulations specifically targeting digital assets, the SEC
is essentially duplicating existing requirements and creating
unnecessary burdens for market participants.

Furthermore, the SEC's proposed legislation fails to consider the
unique characteristics of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Unlike
traditional financial instruments, these assets are decentralized and
operate on blockchain technology. They are designed to be secure and
resistant to fraud or manipulation. By imposing stringent custody
requirements, the SEC is effectively undermining the very principles
that make digital assets attractive in the first place. It is
important to balance between investor protection and fostering
innovation, and the SEC's proposed legislation leans too heavily
towards the former without adequately considering the latter.

Additionally, the SEC's approach to regulating digital assets
seems to be driven by a lack of understanding of the technology and
its potential benefits. Cryptocurrencies and digital assets have the
potential to revolutionize the financial industry by providing greater
accessibility, transparency, and efficiency. By imposing burdensome
regulations, the SEC risks stifling this innovation and preventing the
United States from becoming a global leader in the digital asset
Moreover, the SEC's proposed legislation could have unintended
consequences for small businesses and startups in the digital asset
industry. These companies often operate on limited resources and may
struggle to comply with the costly and complex regulatory requirements
imposed by the SEC. This could create a barrier to entry for new
market participants and limit competition, ultimately harming
consumers and investors.

It is also worth noting that the SEC's proposed legislation may
have a chilling effect on the development of decentralized finance
(DeFi) platforms. DeFi has emerged as a promising alternative to
traditional financial intermediaries, offering greater financial
inclusion and empowering individuals to have more control over their
assets. However, the SEC's proposed regulations could stifle the
growth of DeFi platforms by imposing additional compliance burdens and
regulatory uncertainty. This could hinder the development of
innovative decentralized applications and limit the potential benefits
that DeFi can bring to the financial system.

In conclusion, while I acknowledge the importance of regulatory
oversight in the cryptocurrency and digital asset space, I believe
that the SEC's proposed legislation represents an overreach that
could stifle innovation, hinder market growth, and have unintended
consequences for small businesses and startups. It is crucial for
regulators to strike a balance between investor protection and
fostering innovation, taking into account the unique characteristics
of digital assets. I urge the SEC to reconsider its approach and
engage in a more collaborative and nuanced dialogue with industry
participants to ensure that any regulations implemented are effective,
proportionate, and supportive of the continued growth and development
of the digital asset market.