Subject: S7–04–23
From: Brian

Oct. 17, 2023


I wanted to comment on this case. Richard Heart in a nutshell and what advice, honesty and guidance has brought to crypto and specifically myself is the ability to make enough extra money to support my autistic son who is homeschooled. Having a special needs child is very expensive and not much help in the way of funding. Speech, OT, and many other special services are needed. My son has seen such growth the last 3 to 4 years. It is incredible and that is all owed to the extra services and help we were able to provide / pay for . Thanks to Hex and Richard Heart it has provided me enough extra money to be able to pay for all these extra services. He is one of the few good actors in this space and really out for the betterment of the community seeing that there are so many scammers out there. 

thank you