Subject: My concerns in file number S7-04-23
From: Sergio

Oct. 16, 2023

As an individual deeply involved in the cryptocurrency and digital asset space, I strongly oppose the proposed legislation by the SEC regarding the safeguarding of advisory client assets. While I understand the need for regulatory oversight to protect investors, I believe that the SEC is overreaching in its attempt to regulate this emerging industry.

First and foremost, it is important to recognize that cryptocurrencies and digital assets are fundamentally different from traditional securities. They operate on decentralized networks and are not subject to the same rules and regulations as traditional financial instruments. Therefore, applying the same regulatory framework to these assets is not only impractical but also stifles innovation and growth in this space.

Furthermore, the SEC's proposal fails to consider existing laws that already provide investor protection in the cryptocurrency realm. For instance, the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 already regulate the offering and trading of securities, including certain types of digital assets. These laws require issuers to register their offerings with the SEC and provide investors with necessary disclosures. By attempting to extend its jurisdiction beyond these existing laws, the SEC is overstepping its boundaries and creating unnecessary regulatory burdens.

Additionally, the SEC's proposal lacks clarity and specificity, which creates confusion and uncertainty for market participants. The vague language used in the proposal leaves room for interpretation and opens the door for potential regulatory overreach. This lack of clarity hinders the ability of businesses and individuals to comply with the regulations, as they are unsure of what is expected of them. It also creates a chilling effect on innovation, as companies may be hesitant to enter the market due to the uncertain regulatory environment.

Moreover, the SEC's proposal fails to recognize the unique characteristics of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. These assets are built on blockchain technology, which provides inherent security and transparency. The decentralized nature of blockchain networks ensures that transactions are recorded on a public ledger, making it difficult for bad actors to manipulate or defraud investors. This level of transparency and security is not present in traditional financial systems, yet the SEC's proposal treats cryptocurrencies as if they pose the same risks.

Furthermore, the SEC's proposed regulations could stifle competition and hinder the growth of the cryptocurrency industry. By imposing burdensome compliance requirements on businesses, especially smaller startups and innovators, the SEC is creating barriers to entry that favor established players. This goes against the principles of fair competition and could limit the potential benefits that cryptocurrencies and digital assets can bring to the economy.

In conclusion, while investor protection is important, the SEC proposal to regulate the safeguarding of advisory client assets in the cryptocurrency and digital asset space is an overreach that hampers innovation, creates regulatory burdens, and fails to recognize the unique characteristics of these assets. Existing laws already provide investor protection, and extending the SEC's jurisdiction beyond these laws is unnecessary. The lack of clarity and specificity in the proposal creates confusion and uncertainty, hindering compliance and stifling innovation. Additionally, the proposal overlooks the inherent security and transparency of blockchain technology and treats cryptocurrencies as if they pose the same risks as traditional financial instruments. Furthermore, the proposed regulations could stifle competition and favor established players, limiting the potential benefits of cryptocurrencies and digital assets for the economy. It is crucial for the SEC to reconsider its approach and ensure that any regulations in this space are balanced, practical, and supportive of innovation and growth. 

