Subject: Public Comment for Re-Opened Rule S7-04-23
From: Anonymous

Oct. 15, 2023

As a concerned citizen, I strongly oppose the proposed legislation by the SEC regarding the safeguarding of advisory client assets in the context of cryptocurrency and digital assets. While I understand the need for regulatory oversight in this rapidly evolving industry, I believe that the SEC's approach in this case represents an overreach that could stifle innovation and hinder the growth of the digital asset market.

First and foremost, it is important to recognize that existing laws already provide a framework for the protection of client assets. The Investment Advisers Act of 1940, for example, requires investment advisers to act as fiduciaries and to act in the best interests of their clients. This includes taking reasonable steps to safeguard client assets. By extending these existing laws to cover cryptocurrency and digital assets, the SEC is unnecessarily duplicating regulations and creating additional burdens for market participants.

It is important to note that the SEC's proposed legislation may not be within its jurisdiction. The SEC's mandate is to protect investors, maintain fair and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. While it is understandable that the SEC wants to ensure the safety of client assets, it is questionable whether this falls within its purview when it comes to cryptocurrency and digital assets. These assets operate on decentralized networks and are not subject to the same centralized control as traditional financial instruments. Therefore, it is crucial for the SEC to carefully consider whether its proposed regulations are within its regulatory authority. 

The SEC's proposed legislation fails to consider the unique characteristics of cryptocurrency and digital assets. Unlike traditional financial instruments, these assets are decentralized and operate on blockchain technology. They are designed to be secure and resistant to fraud or manipulation. Imposing stringent custody requirements on these assets could undermine their inherent features and disrupt the efficient functioning of the market. The cryptocurrency industry has already made significant strides in developing secure custody solutions and implementing robust security measures. Many reputable custodians and exchanges have emerged that prioritize the safety of client assets. By imposing additional regulations, the SEC may undermine the progress that has been made and hinder the industry's ability to self-regulate effectively. 

Additionally, the SEC's proposed legislation could have a chilling effect on innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital asset space. Cryptocurrency and digital assets have the potential to revolutionize the financial industry, providing greater access to financial services and empowering individuals around the world. However, by imposing burdensome regulations and custody requirements, the SEC risks stifling innovation and driving businesses and entrepreneurs away from the United States. The SEC's proposed legislation could also have unintended consequences for small businesses and startups in the digital asset space. Compliance with stringent custody requirements can be costly and burdensome, particularly for smaller firms with limited resources. This could create a barrier to entry for new market participants and disproportionately impact smaller players in the industry. It is crucial for regulators to adopt a balanced approach that fosters innovation while ensuring investor protection, rather than imposing excessive regulations that hinder the growth of the industry. 

Thank you.