Subject: File Number S7–04–23
From: Tim XR

Oct. 15, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to provide comments on the SEC's proposed rule titled "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I commend the Commission's ongoing efforts to enhance the transparency, trustworthiness, and overall integrity of financial markets, I respectfully express a few concerns related to the potential unintended consequences of the aforementioned proposal. My aim is to contribute constructively to the dialogue surrounding this rulemaking process.

1. **Centralization and Monopoly Leading to Consolidation of the Industry**:
A foundational principle of the cryptocurrency ecosystem is decentralization, which reduces systemic risks and promotes innovation. The proposed rule, while well-intended, might inadvertently create an environment where only a few, well-capitalized entities can afford the compliance costs, leading to industry consolidation. This centralization might limit consumer choice and stifle innovation. Furthermore, an industry dominated by a few players could lead to monopolistic behaviors, potentially harming consumers through higher fees or limited service offerings.

2. **Privacy Concerns**:
Digital assets and cryptocurrencies have, from inception, been intertwined with the ethos of personal privacy. While ensuring that investors and consumers are safeguarded is paramount, it's also essential to balance this with individuals' rights to privacy. An overly prescriptive rule might force companies to collect, store, and possibly share more user data than is necessary, exposing individuals to undue privacy risks.

3. **Global Inconsistency**:
Cryptocurrencies operate on a global scale. Inconsistent regulations between the U.S. and other jurisdictions might put U.S. businesses at a disadvantage and encourage regulatory arbitrage. If the U.S. adopts more stringent measures while other nations take a more balanced or lenient approach, we might witness an exodus of crypto-related businesses and talent from the U.S. to more amenable jurisdictions. It would be beneficial to consider a harmonized approach that aligns more closely with global standards.

4. **Operational Challenges**:
Cryptocurrencies present unique operational challenges, especially when fitting them into traditional regulatory frameworks. The decentralized and cryptographic nature of these assets means that certain traditional methods of oversight and safeguarding might not be applicable or could be overly burdensome. Imposing such traditional methods might lead to significant operational challenges for businesses in this space, ultimately reducing the efficiency and benefits that these digital assets can offer.

In closing, I humbly request the Commission to reconsider certain aspects of the proposal. I believe a balanced approach that addresses the aforementioned concerns, while still ensuring investor and consumer protection, will pave the way for a thriving, innovative, and safe cryptocurrency ecosystem in the United States. I am hopeful that, through collaborative efforts between the industry and regulators, we can craft a regulatory framework that not only protects but also nurtures and champions innovation.

Thank you for considering my comments.