Subject: File Number S7-04-23
From: Anonymous

Oct. 15, 2023

The SEC’s plan to broaden the rule’s application from “funds or securities” to “assets” could be seen as a necessary step to ensure that all forms of assets are regulated and protected under the law. This could help prevent fraudulent activities and protect investors’ interests.
While the proposed possession or control requirement could pose challenges for advisors dealing with crypto assets, it could also ensure that these advisors are held accountable for their actions. This could help prevent misuse of these assets and protect clients’ investments.
The proposed segregation requirements, while not perfect, could provide a basic level of protection for clients’ investments. These requirements could be refined over time as more is learned about the unique challenges presented by crypto assets.
The proposed requirements could help prevent a third party’s lien against one client’s assets from being improperly attached to other clients’ investments. This could provide an additional layer of protection for clients’ investments.
While cryptocurrencies and digital assets do have unique characteristics, they are still assets that can be used for financial transactions. Therefore, some form of regulation is necessary to ensure investor protection.
The proposed reporting requirements, while potentially burdensome, could ensure transparency and accountability in the crypto market. This could help prevent fraudulent activities and protect investors.
While the SEC should consider alternative approaches to regulating crypto assets, it is also important to have a basic regulatory framework in place to protect investors and maintain market integrity.
The proposed amendments could encourage advisors to be more careful and responsible when offering crypto asset-related services. This could help protect investors and maintain market integrity.
While investor education and awareness are important, they are not substitutes for effective regulation. Both education and regulation are necessary to ensure investor protection and market integrity.
The SEC’s proposal to expand the definition of “custody” to include digital assets could help ensure that these assets are properly secured and protected. This could help prevent theft and other forms of misuse.

Wrapping up, the SEC’s proposal aimed at safeguarding advisory client assets within cryptocurrency and digital assets has led to concerns about overreach and inadequate attention to these assets’ unique attributes. The broadening of regulations, along with requirements for possession or control and segregation, may not offer effective protection for investors or stimulate innovation within the sector. It is vital for the SEC to engage with industry experts in creating bespoke regulations that balance protecting investors with promoting growth within the crypto space. Prioritizing investor education can also empower individuals to make informed decisions regarding their crypto asset investments.