Subject: File Number S7-04-23
From: Anonymous

Oct. 15, 2023

The SEC’s plan to broaden the scope of the rule from “funds or securities” to “assets” could be seen as excessive in the context of cryptocurrency and digital assets. This broadening could expose advisors who hold client crypto assets to unwarranted regulations and stipulations, potentially impeding progress and expansion in the sector.
The suggested requirement for possession or control could present obstacles for advisors who handle crypto assets. The distinctive attributes of these assets, such as their decentralized structure and dependence on private keys, might not align seamlessly with the current regulatory structure. It might be beneficial to consider separate stipulations that specifically address the segregation and custody of crypto assets to ensure equitable and efficient regulation.
The suggested segregation stipulations might not provide significant safeguards in situations of bankruptcy or financial losses involving an advisor or custodian who holds crypto assets. Crypto assets pose specific segregation challenges that might not be sufficiently addressed by the suggested stipulations, necessitating further scrutiny and customized regulations.
It’s crucial to evaluate whether the suggested stipulations would prevent a third party’s lien against one client’s assets from being wrongly attached to other clients’ investments. In the suggested segregation stipulations, clear identification of rights, charges, or claims is essential to safeguard clients’ investments and prevent any potential misappropriation or mishandling of client assets.
The SEC’s plan fails to acknowledge the distinctive features of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. These assets function on decentralized networks and are not subject to the same centralized control as conventional securities. Applying traditional custody rules to crypto assets might not be suitable or effective in guaranteeing investor protection.
The suggested reporting stipulations could place an undue burden on advisors who handle crypto assets. The intricate and rapidly changing nature of the crypto market makes it difficult to provide precise and timely reports. Imposing excessive reporting duties could inhibit innovation and deter advisors from participating in the crypto sector.
The SEC should contemplate alternative strategies for regulating crypto assets that uphold investor protection without inhibiting innovation. Joint efforts with industry experts and stakeholders can result in more efficient and customized regulations that address the unique risks and challenges associated with crypto assets.
The suggested amendments might deter advisors from providing services related to crypto assets due to the heightened regulatory burden and potential liability. This could restrict investors’ access to valuable investment opportunities and impede the development of the crypto sector.
The SEC should prioritize educating investors and raising awareness about the risks and benefits of investing in crypto assets. Instead of imposing strict regulations, equipping investors with knowledge and resources can assist them in making informed decisions and reducing potential risks.
The SEC’s plan to broaden the definition of “custody” to encompass digital assets could have unforeseen repercussions for advisors and their clients. The distinctive nature of digital assets, such as their susceptibility to hacking and theft, necessitates a different approach to custody and security. Applying traditional custody rules to digital assets might not sufficiently address these risks and could impose unnecessary burdens on advisors.

To sum up, the SEC’s plan to protect advisory client assets in the realm of cryptocurrency and digital assets has raised issues of overstepping and insufficient understanding of these assets’ unique traits. The broadening of regulations, the requirement for possession or control, and the segregation requirements may not adequately safeguard investors or encourage industry innovation. It’s vital for the SEC to work with industry experts and stakeholders to create custom regulations that balance investor protection and industry growth. Furthermore, prioritizing investor education can enable individuals to make informed decisions about crypto asset investments.