Subject: S7-04-23
From: Michael Shpitalskiy

Oct. 15, 2023

As an individual who is deeply involved in the cryptocurrency and digital assets space, I am deeply concerned about the proposed legislation by the SEC regarding the safeguarding of advisory client assets. While I understand the need for regulatory oversight in this rapidly evolving industry, I believe that the SEC's approach in this particular proposal is an overreach that could stifle innovation and hinder the growth of this promising sector.

First and foremost, it is important to recognize that cryptocurrencies and digital assets are fundamentally different from traditional financial instruments. They operate on decentralized networks and are governed by cryptographic algorithms, which provide a level of security and transparency that is unparalleled in traditional financial systems. Therefore, applying the same regulatory framework that is designed for traditional assets to cryptocurrencies and digital assets is not only impractical but also counterproductive.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that existing laws already provide a sufficient framework for the regulation of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. For instance, the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 already provide the SEC with ample authority to regulate securities offerings and exchanges, including those involving cryptocurrencies. These laws require issuers to register their offerings with the SEC and provide investors with necessary disclosures to make informed investment decisions. 

Therefore, there is no need for additional regulationsto be imposed specifically on the safeguarding of advisory client assets in the cryptocurrency space.

Additionally, the SEC's proposed legislation fails to consider the unique characteristics of cryptocurrencies and digital assets that make them inherently secure. The use of blockchain technology, for example, ensures that transactions are recorded on a public ledger that is immutable and transparent. This level of transparency reduces the risk of fraud and manipulation, making it less likely for client assets to be compromised. Therefore, imposing stringent regulations on the safeguarding of these assets may be unnecessary and burdensome for market participants.

Moreover, the SEC's overreach in this proposal could have a chilling effect on innovation within the cryptocurrency industry. The rapid pace of technological advancements in this field requires a flexible regulatory approach that fosters innovation and experimentation. By imposing rigid regulations on the safeguarding of advisory client assets, the SEC may discourage entrepreneurs and developers from exploring new ideas and solutions that could enhance the security and efficiency of digital asset transactions.

It is also important to consider the potential unintended consequences of the SEC's proposed legislation. By imposing burdensome regulations on market participants, there is a risk of driving innovation and investment offshore to jurisdictions with more favorable regulatory environments. This could result in a loss of economic opportunities for the United States and hinder the country's ability to compete in the global digital economy. It is crucial for regulators to strike a balance between protecting investors and fostering innovation, and the SEC's proposed legislation appears to lean heavily towards the former without adequately considering the latter.

In conclusion, while I acknowledge the importance of regulatory oversight in the cryptocurrency and digital assets space, I believe that the SEC's proposed legislation regarding the safeguarding of advisory client assets is an overreach that could hinder innovation and impede the growth of this promising industry. Existing laws already provide a sufficient framework for regulation, and the unique characteristics of cryptocurrencies and digital assets make them inherently secure. Imposing stringent regulations without considering these factors could have unintended consequences and stifle economic opportunities. It is crucial for regulators to adopt a balanced approach that protects investors while fostering innovation and growth in this rapidly evolving field.
