Subject: S7-04-23 / Concerns about the Reopening of the Comment Period
From: Amalia Manesi

Oct. 14, 2023

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the SEC’s decision to reopen the comment period for the “Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets” proposal. While I understand the importance of regulatory oversight in the financial industry, I believe this reopening may not be in the best interest of market participants and investors. 

First and foremost, the uncertainty caused by a prolonged comment period can have a chilling effect on innovation and investment in the advisory industry. Many businesses are already making efforts to comply with existing regulations, and reopening the comment period creates additional uncertainty, potentially hindering these efforts. 

Furthermore, it’s essential to strike a balance between protecting investors and fostering a competitive and innovative market environment. While safeguards for client assets are paramount, excessive regulations can stifle economic growth and limit the choices available to investors. A protracted comment period exacerbates this issue. 

Additionally, reopening the comment period may lead to regulatory fatigue, where market participants become overwhelmed by the continuous cycle of new proposals and adjustments. This could undermine the effectiveness of the SEC’s regulatory efforts. 

Instead of reopening the comment period, I would encourage the SEC to focus on improving clarity and transparency in existing regulations. Simplifying and clarifying rules can provide much-needed guidance to market participants while still achieving the objective of protecting advisory client assets. 

In conclusion, while safeguarding advisory client assets is a crucial mission, the SEC should carefully consider the potential consequences of reopening the comment period. I believe it is in the best interest of all stakeholders to focus on enhancing the existing regulatory framework rather than extending the comment period for this proposal. 

Thank you for considering my concerns, and I hope the SEC takes them into account when making decisions regarding this proposal. 


Amalia Manesi