Subject: N/A
From: D. James

Oct. 14, 2023

As a concerned citizen, I strongly oppose the proposal "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets; Reopening of Comment Period" by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While I understand the need for investor protection and asset safeguarding, I believe that the SEC is overreaching when it comes to cryptocurrency and digital assets.
Firstly, it is important to recognize that cryptocurrencies and digital assets operate in a unique and rapidly evolving space. The SEC's attempt to apply traditional regulations designed for traditional financial instruments to these new technologies is misguided. Cryptocurrencies have their own set of characteristics and risks that require a nuanced approach. Blanket regulations can stifle innovation and hinder the growth of this emerging industry.
Furthermore, the SEC already has existing regulations in place that adequately address investor protection and asset safeguarding. The proposal seems to be an unnecessary duplication of efforts and an additional burden on market participants. The SEC should focus on enforcing existing laws rather than creating new ones that may have unintended consequences.
Additionally, the proposal fails to consider the global nature of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. These technologies transcend borders and are not confined to a single jurisdiction. Imposing strict regulations without international coordination could lead to regulatory arbitrage and hinder the competitiveness of U.S. markets.