Subject: File Number S7–04–23
From: Andrew Yule

Oct. 13, 2023

To the members of the Securities and Exchange Commission, 
I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on the 'Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets' Proposal and its potential impact on the cryptocurrency industry. As someone involved in cryptocurrency, I have a vested interest in the regulatory framework and its implications for both innovation and investor protection within the industry. 

The cryptocurrency space is driven by innovation and has the potential to reshape the financial landscape as we know it. While regulations are in place to protect investors, I also believe that regulations should be crafted with a deep understanding of the unique attributes of cryptocurrencies. Striking the right balance is crucial to ensure that regulations do not stifle innovation. 
Cryptocurrencies are digital assets and their custody and auditing can be distinct from traditional financial assets. The proposed amendments should consider the practical implications and nuances of safeguarding cryptocurrency assets, which are often held in digital wallets and subject to different cybersecurity protocols. 
The cryptocurrency industry recognizes the need for investor protection and has made significant strides in self-regulation. Collaboration between regulators and industry stakeholders to establish best practices that align with both regulatory requirements and the unique characteristics of the crypto space would be welcome. 
Regulatory clarity is essential for the cryptocurrency industry to flourish. It shouldn’t be vague and up for interpretation, as has been the case for so long. The alignment of custody and audit rules with broader financial market regulations can provide clarity and consistency that benefits everyone. It helps foster trust in the market, which is essential for its long-term success. 
In conclusion, I encourage the Securities and Exchange Commission to collaborate with industry experts to develop regulatory frameworks that both protect investors and support technological advancements in the cryptocurrency space. I appreciate the SEC's engagement with the crypto industry and look forward to ongoing dialogue to create balanced regulations that align with the unique characteristics of our industry. 
Andy Yule