Subject: File Number S7–04–23
From: Shaun Schaffer

Oct. 13, 2023

To the SEC,
I understand that you feel the need to protect people however in doing so you have hurt many people. Personally, I learned about crypto only just before I heard about Richard Heart. I was learning about bot trading with crypto. I created bots with income that I felt was discretionary and was under the impression that anything that I took a risk on was of my own making. I’ve never felt that anyone lead me down the wrong path. I’ve honestly learned more about how to protect myself in the crypto space from Richard Heart’s videos. I’ve never invested in anything with the expectation of profits based on any work that Richard Heart did or did not do. Truthfully, I didn’t know who was working behind the scenes, as it could’ve been one person or several donating their own efforts for the community. But I’ve never been assured of anything. I knew it was a risk to put any of my funds into any crypto currency coin or anything in the stock market for that matter. If you truly follow these markets, you realize that regardless of the work of others, a simple comment can cause a coin to go up or down, which is in the case of the SEC bringing charges against anyone in the crypto space. While there are some nefarious actors, that come in and pump their coins and then leave, Richard Heart has never done that. He has only been a voice, an entertainer, he has not guaranteed anything to anyone of us. This is what makes the group strong and able to continue in this space even without him. The SEC is not trying to help, it is a shame because the SEC has caused more people to lose money with their actions instead of creating regulations that can be followed so that everyone can enjoy the crypto space. I am fairly new and even I understand it. Unfortunately, I see the SEC abusing its power. Without regulation, the SEC sways the market for institutional money to take advantage of insider trading, but oops ?, not illegal since this market isn’t yet regulated? What? Really? We aren’t that stupid. We all can see what is happening. We need you to do your job and regulate and stop playing games. The punitive actions of the SEC hurt the small investors and needs to stop now.

US Citizen, born and raised.

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