Subject: File No. S7-04-23
From: Anonymous

I have some concerns with S7-04-23, Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets. Such as: Impossible to implement effectively. Opacity in rule-making process. Unnecessary regulatory overlap. Disproportionate focus on punitive measures rather than preventive actions. Fails to address significant risks in financial markets. Encourages monopolistic behavior. Overly complex and bureaucratic processes. Leads to uneven enforcement among different firms. Favors large corporations over smaller ones. Potential unintended consequences. Excessive regulatory burden on small businesses. Contradictory or inconsistent with previous rules. Undermines market efficiency. Weakens investor protections. Reduces transparency in financial reporting. Encourages short-term thinking at the expense of long-term growth. Not based on empirical evidence or data. Interferes with international agreements or treaties. Insufficient time for public comment. Insufficient monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Contains loopholes that undermine its effectiveness. Does not adequately protect whistleblowers. Discriminates against specific entities or individuals. Lacks sufficient resources for implementation. Potential for negative impact on employment opportunities. Ignores the needs of vulnerable populations. Creates potential conflicts with other federal laws. Undermines trust between citizens and institutions. Undermines existing regulations. Violates constitutional rights. Encroaches on state or local jurisdiction. Inefficient allocation of public funds. Proposed rule is unclear. Fails to address root causes of issues it aims to solve. Hinders innovation in finance technology. Neglects environmental concerns. Creates additional barriers to entry for new market participants. Misaligned with overall policy objectives. Allows for potential fraudulent activities. Unreasonable costs associated with compliance. Promotes short-termism at the expense of long-term growth. Ineffective in achieving intended goals. Unfair advantage for well-connected entities. Conflicts with global standards. Negative consequences on business innovation. Lack of proper guidance. Disproportionate impact on certain industries. Overly complex requirements. Difficulty in understanding legal jargon. Increases administrative burdens on government agencies. Please consider my concerns as an interested person.