Subject: File No. S7-04-23
From: Anonymous

Your proposed rule, S7-04-23, Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets, has a few problems.1. Inadequate cost-benefit analysis; 2. Overly burdensome disclosure requirements; 3. Unclear rule language; 4. Potential for unintended consequences; 5. Undue compliance costs; 6. Excessive reliance on prescriptive regulations; 7. Lack of flexibility in implementation; 8. Uneven enforcement across industries; 9. Retroactive application of new rules; 10. Limited stakeholder consultation; 11. Neglecting international standards; 12. Ignoring industry best practices; 13. Disproportionate penalties; 14. Conflicting or inconsistent rules; 15. Insufficient guidance or clarification; 16. Misaligned priorities; 17. Inadequate resources for compliance; 18. Flawed economic assumptions; 19. Inaccurate risk assessments; 20. Unfair competitive advantages; 21. Difficulty in tracking regulatory changes; 22. Impractical implementation timelines; 23. Reliance on outdated data or research; 24. Inconsistencies between agencies; 25. Inability to adapt to evolving markets; 26. Insufficient monitoring and evaluation; 27. Overemphasis on short-term results; 28. Inadequate consideration of long-term implications; 29. Unwarranted government intervention; 30. Unnecessary duplication of existing laws; 31. Improper coordination with other jurisdictions; 32. Insufficient transparency in decision-making; 33. Misguided focus on specific issues; 34. Overzealous pursuit of minor infractions; 35. Failure to address root causes; 36. Poor communication of objectives; 37. Inadequate training and education for affected parties; 38. Inappropriate use of authority; 39. Excessive bureaucratic red tape; 40. Resistance to change or innovation. Please fix them with a re-proposal. The comment period was too short.