Subject: File No. S7-04-23
From: DVA

Dear, I express 3 important concerns: 1/ ambiguous language and unnecessary complexity in the proposed rule will inevitably lead to misinterpretation an unintended non compliance by asset holders. Also leading to diverging laws that favor certain market participant over others. 2/ implementation of this rule should be steered through extensive congressional oversight and consultation of expert market participants including developers, foundations, blockchain users, liquidity providers, DEX designers, smart contract developers, EVM designers, accounting model specialists, eUTXO specialists and oracle solution specialists, cryptographic specialists and privacy specialists, also holding recurring open dialogues with the public to form opinions on regulatory frameworks that better suit the granular and financial atomic type of asset that is crypto. 3/ expanded information sharing in this proposed rule will create cybersecurity risks like data breaches and honeypots. Those are my main concerns and I hope they find you well. Thank you for considering these. Crypto is a new asset my future grandchildren will have their lifesavings in and transact through DAO’s, IOT’s, by interacting with smart contracts and making a more functional world without middlemen but with sovereignty over their own assets. This begins here and now. Regards, Diedrik