Subject: File No. S7-04-23
From: Samuel Levitz

Here are my thoughts below, long list of concerns that, indeed, need clear and concrete answers prior to any new rules being imposed.... Request for clarification on the treatment of digital assets that are held in trust or other fiduciary capacities, particularly in cases where the underlying assets may be subject to different reporting requirements depending on their classification. Concern over the potential burden on taxpayers who may be required to reconcile multiple sources of information related to their digital asset transactions, including reports filed by brokers, third-party service providers, and other intermediaries. Request for further analysis of these impacts and exploration of targeted relief options for affected individuals. Inquiry into the process for tracking and addressing any technical glitches or errors that may arise during the implementation of these proposed regulations, including details on how corrections and updates will be communicated to affected parties. Request for more information on the specific methodologies and tools that will be employed by the IRS to analyze and interpret the vast amounts of data generated by these proposed regulations, including any plans for leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms. Concern over the potential chilling effect these proposed regulations could have on innovation within the broader fintech ecosystem, particularly given the rapid pace of technological change and the growing importance of digital assets as a medium of exchange and store of value. Request for further analysis of these impacts and consideration of measures to promote flexibility and adaptability in response to future developments. Inquiry into the process for coordinating with foreign governments and regulatory bodies in enforcing these proposed regulations, including details on how information sharing agreements will be negotiated and implemented. Request for more information on the specific steps that will be taken to ensure the timely and accurate processing of information returns filed under these proposed regulations, including any plans for investing in new infrastructure, personnel, and capacity building initiatives. Concern over the potential burden on taxpayers who may be required to navigate multiple layers of regulation and oversight in order to comply with these proposed regulations, particularly given the complexity and nuance inherent in the digital asset space. Request for further analysis of these impacts and consideration of measures to alleviate the burden on affected taxpayers. Request for more information on the specific steps that will be taken to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of the data collected under these proposed regulations, including any plans for leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret the data. Request for more information on the specific steps that will be taken to ensure the timely and accurate processing of information returns filed under these proposed regulations, including any plans for investing in new infrastructure, personnel, and capacity building initiatives. Request for more information on the specific steps that will be taken to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of the data collected under these proposed regulations, including any plans for leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret the data. I'm worried about the potential impact of REG-122793-19 on the financial independence of young adults. REG-122793-19 could potentially have serious implications for the healthcare and welfare sectors. I fear that the implementation of REG-122793-19 could result in an economic slowdown. I worry that REG-122793-19 might lead to capital flight from the U. S. market. REG-122793-19 might adversely impact the development and growth of sustainable technologies. Potential arbitrary interpretation of REG-122793-19 rules by authorities is alarming. REG-122793-19 may deter business partnerships and joint ventures. How will REG-122793-19 protect against unintended negative effects on the national economy? REG-122793-19 could potentially lead to a decrease in voluntary tax compliance. The language of REG-122793-19 needs to be simplified for a better understanding by the general public. It seems that REG-122793-19 could cause undue stress on start-up companies just finding their footing. The lack of a clear timeline for REG-122793-19 implementation is distressing. I'm concerned that REG-122793-19 doesn't take into account the potential for economic downturns. Does REG-122793-19 factor in its potential to deter business innovations? REG-122793-19 could potentially affect the dynamics of the housing market. It's essential for REG-122793-19 to provide room for economic freedom and individual choices. The potential of REG-122793-19 to create an economic divide is alarming. The lack of clear guidelines for REG-122793-19 implementation in rural areas needs to be addressed. REG-122793-19 could create unnecessary complexities for the education sector. REG-122793-19 seems overly intricate, which could deter individuals from venturing into business. I'm concerned that REG-122793-19 may negatively impact the startup ecosystem. I wish REG-122793-19 was more precise in defining the roles and responsibilities of regulating authorities. The outcomes of REG-122793-19 could disproportionately impact developing sectors. I'm concerned about the potential for REG-122793-19 to discourage business expansion. I'm concerned that the implementation of REG-122793-19 could potentially increase the likelihood of corporate fraud. REG-122793-19 could potentially lead to increased insurance premiums for businesses. REG-122793-19 might unfairly advantage certain business structures over others. Could REG-122793-19 unintentionally lead to a decrease in foreign trade? REG-122793-19 might cause a decrease in our competitive advantages in the global market. I'm concerned that REG-122793-19 may place an undue burden on older, retired individuals. Has there been sufficient consideration of the potential for REG-122793-19 to contribute to income inequality? REG-122793-19 might inadvertently slow down the development of emerging technologies. The potential for REG-122793-19 to reduce disposable income is concerning. REG-122793-19 might pose challenges for businesses already struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. REG-122793-19 could potentially discourage investment in the renewable energy sector. REG-122793-19 could potentially affect the dynamics of the startup ecosystem. There's a concern that REG-122793-19 could negatively affect innovation in the tech industry. I worry the introduction of REG-122793-19 might lead to decreased foreign direct investment. I fear that REG-122793-19 could lead to a decrease in public spending, affecting our economy negatively. Does REG-122793-19 adequately consider its impact on the country's competitiveness in the global market? REG-122793-19 may inadvertently create barriers for startups looking to secure investment. REG-122793-19 seems to lack clear objectives and a comprehensive implementation plan. There might be a potential for REG-122793-19 to suppress the growth of the gig economy. Does REG-122793-19 strike a fair balance between preventing tax avoidance and supporting economic growth? I'm concerned about the lack of clear exemptions in REG-122793-19. REG-122793-19 might impede the financial progress of marginalized communities. Please take these concerns VERY seriously as I have taken the time to research your proposal and find MASSIVE concerns in them. Regards, Mr. Levitz