Subject: File No. S7-04-23
From: Priya

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule regarding the safeguarding of advisory client assets. I commend the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for addressing the important issue of investor protection and enhancing safeguards in the custody rule. However, I have some concerns regarding the potential overreach of regulatory authority and the treatment of digital assets within the proposed rule. Firstly, with regard to the scope of the rule, it is crucial to ensure that regulatory authority remains within the SEC's purview and does not encroach upon areas that should be regulated by other agencies. While the SEC has a vital role in safeguarding client assets, it is important to avoid duplicative regulations that may stifle innovation and economic growth. As such, I urge the SEC to carefully consider any potential overlaps with existing regulations and work collaboratively with other regulatory bodies. Furthermore, the treatment of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, within the proposed rule needs to be approached with caution. Digital assets have the potential to revolutionize the financial industry, but they also introduce unique challenges and complexities. It is essential for the SEC to foster an environment that facilitates innovation and growth in this sector while simultaneously protecting investors from potential risks. One of my concerns is the potential limitation of growth within the digital asset space due to regulatory uncertainties. To unleash the full potential of digital assets, it is critical for the SEC to provide clear and consistent guidance that balances investor protection with the need to encourage technological advancements. I urge the SEC to create regulations that strike a careful and thoughtful balance, promoting investor confidence without hindering innovation and inhibiting the growth of this emerging asset class. In conclusion, I appreciate the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections through the proposed rule on safeguarding advisory client assets. However, it is vital to ensure that the regulatory authority remains within its appropriate boundaries and that digital assets are treated in a manner that fosters innovation and growth. I strongly encourage the SEC to consider these concerns and engage in extensive discussions with industry stakeholders to create a regulatory framework that achieves the desired objective of investor protection while promoting economic development. Thank you for considering my comments. I look forward to seeing a balanced and well-crafted final rule that takes into account the points raised by concerned individuals like myself. Yours sincerely, Priya