Subject: File No. S7-04-23
From: Brad Federer

RE: Public Comment on Proposed Rule: Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets (Release No. IA-1234-P) Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule on the safeguarding of advisory client assets, as outlined in Release No. IA-1234-P. While I appreciate the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) effort to enhance investor protection and address gaps in the custody rule, I believe there are certain issues that need to be addressed in order to provide regulatory clarity and ensure the safeguarding of client assets, especially in the context of digital assets and cryptocurrencies. Firstly, the lack of regulatory clarity for Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) is a significant concern. ICOs, which involve the sale of digital assets to the public, have gained significant traction in recent years. However, the proposal falls short in providing clear regulatory guidelines for ICOs, resulting in uncertainty and potential investor protection issues. It is crucial that the SEC provides clear guidance on how these assets should be treated and protected, in order to protect investors from fraudulent or inadequate practices. Additionally, the proposal's treatment of digital assets or cryptocurrencies requires further attention and consideration. The rapid growth and adoption of digital assets, such as cryptocurrency, have transformed the financial landscape. However, the regulatory uncertainties surrounding these assets have created significant challenges for investment advisers and investors alike. Without clear guidelines, the proper safeguarding of client assets becomes difficult, exposing investors to risks associated with custody and security. Furthermore, the proposal's economic analysis does acknowledge the costs and benefits of the rule amendments. However, the varied practices among investment advisers make it challenging to estimate the economic effects accurately. While I appreciate the SEC's effort, I believe there should be more emphasis on understanding the economic impact of the proposed rule, particularly in relation to compliance costs for investment advisers and qualified custodians. It is essential to strike a balanced approach that ensures investor protection without creating undue burdens on small entities. Regarding the paperwork reduction analysis contained in the proposal, I believe the estimated cost burdens and hour burdens might not precisely reflect the challenges faced by investment advisers. The proposed rule's impact on reporting, compliance, and recordkeeping requirements might have disproportionate effects on small entities, creating potential barriers to entry and hindering competition. I urge the SEC to carefully assess the economic implications of the proposed rule, especially in relation to small advisers, to ensure that it does not stifle innovation in the industry. In conclusion, I appreciate the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections in the advisory industry with the Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets proposal. However, it is vital that further attention is given to addressing the lack of regulatory clarity for Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and the treatment of digital assets or cryptocurrencies. I urge the SEC to provide clear guidelines on the regulatory aspects of these assets to protect investors from potential risks and uncertainties. Furthermore, I recommend that the SEC carefully considers the economic implications of the proposed rule, paying special attention to the potential impact on small entities. Striking a balance between investor protection and minimizing compliance costs is essential to fostering a competitive and innovative advisory industry. Thank you for considering my comments. I look forward to the SEC's diligent consideration of the concerns raised by stakeholders during this public comment period. If you require any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Brad Federer