Subject: File No. S7-04-22
From: Curtis Higgins
Affiliation: Kay Jewelers

March 14, 2022

The state of the nations financial markets are the hands of your decisions. To this point, the SEC has proven time and time again that they blatantly disregard the application of rules to those who control the system. But anyone who would have no say in the consequence of the actions would be eviscerated from the party within seconds and thrown out the door.

The absolute imbalance, corruption, and complacency from our regulators has left me with no faith that the SEC acts in anyone interests, but the HFs, MMs, and anyone who will be giving them a job prior to their \"service\" or after.

I have no faith in the American Markets that are called \"FREE AND FAIR\". That is the most sinister lie that you perpetuate and endorse. There is nothing free, nor fair about dark pools, 0.005% fines on profits, PFOF, Naked Shorting, dictating Position Close Only while loading up on shorts to STEAL, STEAL STEAL MONEY FROM INVESTORS. THE VERY SAME INVESTORS YOU HARP ON AND ON ABOUT PROTECTING. BUT NOTHING COMES FROM YOUR CHARADES The bad actors include the SEC, DTCC, DTC, CeDe n Co, and everyone one who claims to be protectors of investors.

How can you protect something you actively stab in the back? The people you blindly lead to the slaughter. How can you claim you are here to protect us when you actively prove otherwise. I have seen NOTHING of value from the SEC. Posturing, and caving to interviewers who ask tough questions. There is no action from the SEC, there are actions from those who are supposed to act unbiased.

I have no faith that the SEC is anything more than a protection tool for Wall Street HFs and MMs, and an active enemy to real average investors. Your lack of actions have spoken, your lack of urgency lines up perfectly, and time and time again we see NOTHING BEING DONE TO PROTECT INVESTORS aside from endless posturing from these \"submit comments\".

Honestly, its vile and disgusting and the whole world is watching just how crooked the American Markets are.