Subject: s7-03-23: WebForm Comments from Nick
From: Nick
Affiliation: Software engineer

Mar. 19, 2023

March 19, 2023

 As a household investor I support this proposal. We all know who wins when the banks play their games in dark. Their should be an open public auction house where we can have REAL price discovery. Market makers will try to fight this proposal saying its going to cost too much money for them, thats kinda the point when everyones retirement accounts are down 50% and you people are still making 5 billion a year. How is it not completely obvious? How is it even possible? We should expand this policy to be able to go back for past failed and manipulated price discovery too. Theyve been dealing the cards under the table and you guys know? Im happy the proposal is open but seriously if you need another law to help enforce this obvious fraud I dont even know why Im commenting. Please, for the love of god, please, give household investors a chance