Subject: s7-03-23: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Feb. 22, 2023

February 22, 2023

 Mr Gensler said in an interview today that we should comment because the hedge funds comment and I guess that you only make policy based on hedge fund comments.

I think there have been comments for decades now about stopping naked shorting, stopping FTD's, stopping spoofing, PFOF, darkpool abuse, OTC abuse, high frequency trading, household orders never reaching lit markets, and every other manipulation that is done of the markets to steal money from the working people of this country.

You changed 1 settlement date to one day sooner, implemented in 15 months, for organizations who can make millions of trades per second.  Why bother doing anything at all?

My comment is we have lost any hope that the SEC has any ability or desire to protect anyone but the wealthy.   We've all worked our lives to only enrich several billionaires  who have crafted an economic system for them to control.

We know the comments are to waste time so that you can ignore the problems and then move on to your next jobs working for the companies who rigged the system.