Subject: s7-02-23: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Mar. 30, 2023

March 30, 2023

 As many SEC employees have noted, this proposal raises grave and legitimate concerns about the security of any personal and financial information obtained by a third party tasking with the collection effort.

I also foresee that it will also have a serious adverse impact upon spouses of Commission employees who work in private industry for employers that offer retirement plans that currently need to be reported every year.  The only input an employee frequently has when participating in such plans is estimating a date of retirement.  Such plans are typically  administered by the employer, who does not provide any description of how the the plans are administered, or how investments are structured or chosen. Participants in such plans often HAVE NO INVESTMENT DISCRETION AT ALL.  I suspect that employers will be unwilling to cooperate with a third party in obtaining information regarding the administration of such retirement plans.  I foresee that such requests will create real conflict between  employee's spouses and their employer.

I understand that comments submitted by the general public seem to support this proposal, and I understand the need for transparency.  But the security concerns as well as the impact upon employee spouses are matters that the proposal does not even address.