Subject: s7-02-23: WebForm Comments from Anonymous Admin Staff
From: Anonymous

Mar. 27, 2023

March 27, 2023

 The part of this proposal to require ALL SEC staff to divest their and their family's entire positions, which are already limited, in financial sector funds is overly broad. It is taking a blunt instrument to fix a discrete issue when you may or may not need a small precise, surgical procedure.

It is further unfair as noted by others as in my case, I relied on the ethics department and the blessings of five other Chairs to hold a relatively small financial etfs, which I would now be forced to divest of at close to the year low.

If there truly is a conflict, rather than an optics problem, than the Chair and his fellow Commissioners should start by requiring their own staffs to divest of all financial sector ETFs and perhaps certain rulemaking teams prior to applying rule retroactively to staff that perform administrative and/or roles that don't oversee financial sectors. But in reality, the Chair is doing this for optics reasons, which should never be a rationale for a proposal. Shame on union head Greg Gilman for not actively opposing this rule. I guess Mr. Gilman only cares about telework, which affects him.