Subject: s7-02-23: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: SEC Staff

Mar. 13, 2023

March 13, 2023

 This proposed rule introduces additional risk into the ethics processes SEC staff must follow. There have been security breaches related to staff PII, often related to third-party systems. This retroactive proposal adds another third party to the already onerous and wholly adequate processes in place. I do not want my personal data residing in yet another database where the security will undoubtedly be compromised. Allowing a third party to log into the accounts is unacceptable. I will seriously reassess my ability to work at the commission in light of its overreach and encroachment.

The SEC's ethics attention would be better spent on policing securities-related matters in Congress and Executive branch, their preclearance policies and procedures, and their amazingly timed trades.