Subject: s7-02-23: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Mar. 1, 2023

March 1, 2023

 As of January 10th, 2023, Bed Bath and Beyond Inc. (BBBY) was included on the Regulation SHO Threshold Security List and has not left the threshold list as of 2/27/2023. In two months time, January and February 2023, more than 3.4B shares have been traded for a security with an outstanding share count of 117M shares. That is 29x the outstanding shares traded in the span of 40 trading days.

During that time since BBBY has been on threshold list, it has been continuously shorted even on SSR days. Short interest has grown to 56.73%. I have screen shots of Level 2 order flows nearly each day to show price suppression and controlling (aka manipulating) price movement. Each day for weeks on end shows a substantial amount of shares of 100,000 to even 800,000 on both the bid and ask side at a $0.01 difference at multiple points during the day. My theory here is that it prevents any sort of price movement in either direction until other volume/volatility decreases. After the volume ceases, the market participant(s) remove these orders and continue to short sell.

Im sure the SEC has taken notice because retail/household investors have reported this in multiplicity. The SEC has sat idly by while market participants circumvent and ignore the rules and regulations that establish fair trading and prevent naked shorting or illicit trading acts.

There have been no filings or reports of an actual increase in outstanding shares of BBBY. Only that an offer has been made to potentially increase the outstanding shares. Media sources have been reporting speculation as facts which I believe is in effort to create fear and ultimately aid market participants that are engaged in illicit trade practices to further their own financial gain from the declining price in BBBY and potentially other securities.

The predatory short selling of BBBY has lead to an all time low for share price and thus made it extremely harder for the company to raise capital with any sort of offering. Despite any company pitfalls, the short selling in BBBY has been contributing to its risk of bankruptcy and thus feeding a vicious circle of manipulation by market participants and media sources.