Subject: S7-02-23: WebForm Comments from Colin Clarry
From: Colin Clarry

Feb. 23, 2023

February 23, 2023

 Dear SEC,

As an household investor, the proposing rules for Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Members and Employees of the Securities and Exchange Commission is important for several reasons:

Maintaining public trust: The SEC plays a critical role in regulating the financial markets and protecting investors. It is important that the public has confidence in the integrity and ethical behavior of SEC members and employees. By proposing rules for ethical conduct, the SEC can demonstrate its commitment to maintaining high standards of conduct and integrity.

Preventing conflicts of interest: Conflicts of interest can undermine the effectiveness of the SEC and erode public trust in the financial markets. By establishing clear rules and standards for ethical conduct, the SEC can help prevent conflicts of interest and ensure that its members and employees act in the best interests of investors and the public.

Promoting transparency: The proposed rules for ethical conduct require SEC members and employees to disclose their financial interests and outside employment. This promotes transparency and helps to identify any potential conflicts of interest.

Ensuring fair and impartial decision-making: The SEC is responsible for making important decisions that can impact the financial markets and investors. By establishing clear rules for ethical conduct, the SEC can ensure that its members and employees make fair and impartial decisions based on the best interests of investors and the public.

Overall, proposing rules for Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Members and Employees of the Securities and Exchange Commission is important for maintaining public trust, preventing conflicts of interest, promoting transparency, and ensuring fair and impartial decision-making.