Subject: Public Comment For Re-Opened Rule S7-02-22
From: S. Bryant

Oct. 14, 2023

The proposed legislation by the IRS regarding the reporting of gross proceeds and basis for digital asset transactions represents a significant overreach and raises concerns about the agency's understanding of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. While it is important to ensure compliance and prevent illicit activities, it is equally crucial to avoid stifling innovation and burdening taxpayers with unnecessary regulations.

Firstly, the IRS must recognize that digital assets are fundamentally different from traditional financial instruments. Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks, and their transactions are recorded on public ledgers known as blockchains. This unique nature poses challenges when it comes to determining accurate basis and proceeds for tax purposes. Applying traditional reporting requirements without considering these nuances would be impractical and burdensome for taxpayers.

Furthermore, the IRS should take into account existing laws that already address taxation of digital assets. The Internal Revenue Code treats cryptocurrencies as property rather than currency, as established by Notice 2014-21. This classification means that taxpayers are subject to capital gains tax when they sell or exchange their digital assets. By imposing additional reporting requirements, the IRS is essentially duplicating existing obligations and creating unnecessary complexity for taxpayers.

Additionally, the proposed legislation fails to consider the practical limitations of tracking and reporting digital asset transactions. Cryptocurrencies are designed to provide users with a certain level of privacy and pseudonymity. While the IRS has made efforts to enhance its ability to trace cryptocurrency transactions, it is important to recognize that complete transparency may not be achievable without compromising the core principles of decentralization and privacy that underpin these technologies. Imposing stringent reporting requirements could potentially discourage individuals from participating in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, leading to a chilling effect on innovation and economic growth.
Moreover, the proposed legislation does not adequately address the challenges associated with determining accurate basis and proceeds for digital asset transactions. Unlike traditional financial instruments, cryptocurrencies can be acquired through various means such as mining, airdrops, staking, and even as rewards for participating in decentralized finance protocols. Each of these acquisition methods presents unique complexities when it comes to determining the cost basis of the digital asset. By failing to provide clear guidance on these matters, the IRS is placing an undue burden on taxpayers and creating an environment of uncertainty and confusion.

Furthermore, the proposed legislation fails to consider the global nature of the cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrencies operate on a borderless network, allowing individuals from around the world to transact with one another without the need for intermediaries. This global nature presents challenges when it comes to reporting requirements, as different jurisdictions may have varying interpretations and regulations regarding digital assets. The IRS should take into account the need for harmonization and coordination with international tax authorities to ensure consistency and avoid conflicting obligations for taxpayers.

In conclusion, while it is important to address tax compliance in the cryptocurrency space, the proposed legislation by the IRS represents an overreach that fails to consider the unique characteristics of digital assets. By imposing burdensome reporting requirements without providing clear guidance and considering the practical limitations of tracking and reporting digital asset transactions, the IRS risks stifling innovation, discouraging participation in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, and creating unnecessary complexity for taxpayers. It is crucial for the IRS to approach this issue with nuance and a deep understanding of the cryptocurrency ecosystem to strike a balance between compliance and fostering innovation.