Subject: SR-Exchange Act Rule 3b-16 public comment
From: Nicholas Albert

Jun. 13, 2023

I am a law-abiding taxpayer and citizen of the United States. I do not need the Federal Government telling me what I can and can't invest in with my hard-earned money. Every time the SEC tries to protect a consumer like me from the crypto community, what they actually do is hurt the consumer instead by spreading Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD). 

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the future of money. There is no need for a trusted intermediary between two parties. Every transaction is publicly displayed on the network's blockchain, hence, there is no need to worry about crimes such as money laundering as it is very easy to track a criminal's papertrail. The SEC needs to stop interfering with innovation and leave crypto alone! 

Ultimately DeFi should NOT be held to the same scrutiny as Centralized exchanges, Let innovation flourish! 

-Nicholas Albert