Subject: S7-02-22: WebForm Comments from Dr. A. Zack Wisti
From: Dr. A. Zack Wisti

Apr. 17, 2023

April 17, 2023

 To whom it may concern,

I am submitting my comments in support of this proposal. This is a common-sense proposal that covers what should be obvious - the use of a technology does not change the fundamental nature of something. A vehicle for traveling upon roads providing transportation from one location to another is fundamentally the same thing whether it uses horses and is called a wagon or if it uses gasoline and is called a station wagon.

Along the same vein, if a someone provides a service to connect buyers and sellers, it must be an exchange whether they do so by word of mouth, telephone, computer, or via distributed ledger technology. If the fundamental purpose is the same, then they must be the same category of thing. We cannot allow our regulation systems be caught by such trivial distinctions such as method of execution, lest we start legislating every such possible variation in method, an impossible task to be sure.