Subject: File No. S7-02-22
From: Kade J Stone

January 27, 2022

I can't believe that I have to write a comment in order to support transparency in the market. The opaque nature and delayed reporting is in direct opposition to a free market. Corruption continues to fly directly in the face of retail investors, met with PATHETIC fines - years if not decades down the road. The speed of which government entities try to address these issues is pathetic. DO BETTER. T+1. Full information transparency. Fines that actually matter. You all are going to continue to finesse the archaic system and it's going to end in financial ruin for this country. It's sickening to see this take place. I expect nothing to come of this, and for the SEC to continue to posture at changes for the next several years. You all are jokes and should feel humiliation for attempting to pretend these changes and enforcement farces are in good faith. I could write forever on how big of a joke this is. What's the point? You've had a year Gary, do something. Anything. You make the cute faces and quotes on television, showing you clearly are aware of the corruption. No longer cutting it. Make the changes.